Okay, so what do I mean when I say BEST? In simple terms: you have to be willing and committed to supplying the necessary action(s) to achieving the highest result. Your DAY – from waking until bedtime, is the amount of time you have to invest in yourself. EVER has to do with the intensity of your action. Set the intention and commitment so what you accomplish today surpasses anything you’ve contemplated before.
Tip #1 in a nutshell is the most important thing to remember because this is where it all begins:
- Tip #1 - Stop looking around and start looking inside. You’ve been given the greatest gift and most powerful tool one could ask for – YOUR MIND! Get to know it and it will be your greatest ally. We spend a great deal of time looking around at everyone else, but we’re hesitant and reluctant to bring that vision back around to ourselves. The mind’s eye is a powerful focusing lens, magnifying or diminishing whatever you choose. Visualize what you want to CREATE. Set the intention and start tending your garden, plucking out any negative weeds growing there!
Okay, so it sounds a little silly, but it works! When you look for wonderful, awesome things to happen, then you’re setting your mind cap to allow those same wonderful, awesome opportunities to be presented. We’ve got the big one out of the way. What’s next you ask?
· Tip #2 – Live only in the present moment. If you’re always focused on COULD’a, SHOULD’a and WOULD’a of bygone yesterdays, you’re missing opportunities RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU… TODAY!
When you start looking backwards, it’s easy to lose the momentum and begin falling back into old patterns and behaviors. If you’re constantly dreaming about tomorrows that may or may not come to pass, I guarantee you’ll miss opportunities... Yesterday is done and Tomorrow may not come – all you have is TODAY… more specifically, all you really have is this moment in time.
· Tip #3 - Set a realistic goal each day and expect the BEST OUTCOME. This will set the rhythm and tone for the day.
Start off with something reasonable and measurable so you can ensure you’re consciously creating something you can accomplish. If the goal is too large, it becomes untenable and frustrating. If it’s too small, then you may not be too concerned with recognizing your accomplishment when it’s done.
Make sure the goal is also something within your sphere of influence or control. You cannot create something that is not yours…
When you have your objective in mind, write it down, otherwise you’re wasting time and energy and the thought may vanish! Brainstorm about what you can do to nurture it. Thinking outside the box is called PROBLEM-SOLVING. That’s how most successful people get to be where they are.
· Tip #4 - Fake it till you make it. CHOOSE how you react to people and circumstances. Have patience and give yourself credit for showing up. My motto is ALWAYS GIVE THEM SOMETHING (positive) TO TALK ABOUT. Sometimes you’ve got to believe your own press and just get out there. BE REAL AND AUTHENTIC. Let your light shine.
Let the world know you’re ready to step up and be seen! People will react positively to the confident energy you exude. People want to be like you – BEAUTIFUL, CONFIDENT, FEARLESS AND AWARE! When you’re confident, you’re able to create what you want more effortlessly.
And here’s the last one, though by no means is it any less important:
· Tip #5 - Practice Random acts of Gratitude. This one’s near and dear to me and, as they say, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. It’s easy to be thankful when sitting down to a lavish feast. Conversely, it’s hard to be grateful as you consider challenges ahead, especially unwelcome ones.
Write down FIVE things you can be grateful for. Maybe it’s your family. It could be your health. In this economy, be especially grateful that your needs are taken care of. Even if it’s not the long-term job or career you envision, please give gratitude. Take a few minutes to send love to all the things on your list. Doing this revitalizes your energies and releases stress and fear.
In your gratitude, it’s a perfectly natural thing to want to share that feeling with others. Maybe you can perform a random act of kindness and generosity. Not because it’s expected, but rather, because it isn’t. Get used to doing things outside of your own needs and you will be surprised at how the energy is returned!
You’re going to make mistakes… pick yourself up, dust off your backside and get going again. There are going to be days when you feel ‘small’ – when that happens, remember tip #4 - Fake it Till You Make It. Go back inside, turn that frown upside down, open the door again and step outside into the light. That’s part of the process. Expect the unexpected. Have fun with it and celebrate the serendipity that comes into your life.
With these basic tools, you’re on your way to having the BEST DAY EVER!
Always expect the best outcome! Love and light,