Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Action Time is NOW!

Some time ago, I shared a dream about seven sisters who came to Earth to enrich my soul, transform my life; accelerate my growth and guide me along the path to greater accomplishments. I have been blessed with abundance and blessings over the years and welcome their continuing contributions to my work and life.  Through their encouragement, Truth, Courage, Virtue, Compassion, Wisdom, Gratitude and Forgiveness have asked me to share their gifts with the world.

I know people don’t like it when folks keep revisiting the same territory time and time again, but guess what? That’s exactly where we’re going because my guides believe sometimes repetition is necessary. Fact is, the human brain needs to hear something at least three times before it actually “listens”, makes the connection, and begins to take action.

So listen to this – here is your reminder… action time is NOW! Don’t wait for the moment to be perfect or until all the stars align in heaven. If you’ve got a passion in your heart, what’s holding you back?  If you’ve wanted to learn something new and discover how your life can be profoundly changed for the better, NOW is the time to set things in motion and get moving.  In this moment, you have everything you need to start dreaming, planning and designing your new future.

Maybe you’ve just been holding back. What fears are keeping you from achieving your loftiest goals? Are you aware fear is only self-imposed confinement? The box is only a box – it has walls you can break down any time, but you have to be willing to stretch and take appropriate risk to navigate the barriers. As long as you are willing stay in the box, you can never realize true freedom.

What gifts have you been given that you’re not purposefully using? Maybe you put them on a shelf for later use and forgot about them. It doesn’t matter – it’s never too late to get them out and start embracing and integrating them into your life.

If you’ve been procrastinating or need help exploring your special talents, IntuitiveGoddesse is waiting to hear from you! I love working with people ready and willing to drop the façade and start living Authentic lives.

Embrace your inner Goddesse! All it takes is the conscious desire to peel back the layers and discover your true essence and a commitment to investing in yourself.

I’m a travel guide to your subconscious – a sort of fairy god-mother in combat boots – and I’m available to facilitate your empowerment journey.Take the first step and contact IntuitiveGoddesse@gmail.com or check out my website: http://intuitivegoddesse.com. On Twitter, please “follow” @Goddesse1 to stay up to date on IntuitiveGoddesse happenings.


Cheryl Pershey

Monday, September 26, 2011


The other day a friend of mine was visited by a dragonfly.  Lightly perched on the crest of her knuckles, it appeared to stare back at her, not moving for an instant, hesitating before launching itself back out into the hot summer’s afternoon. Puzzled and perplexed, she sat there with the widest grin on her face and still hadn’t moved her hand, even after her guest had departed.

“I don’t know what that means, but it must be important,” she exclaimed. “That’s never happened to me… you saw it… it just sat there looking at me… OMG!”

She was right. Her messenger was letting her know that her deepest dreams have begun to stir and it’s time for her to pay attention. As they say, “the winds of change are upon us,” meaning it’s time to sit up and get ready for what’s about to show up. If you’re suddenly inspired by dragonflies, perhaps you should think about getting your “wings” out of mothballs and prepare to take flight.

In light of the three eclipses this past summer, the cosmic pot has been stirred, resulting in lots of changes brewing around us.  Things have been stewing and simmering and now we are once again ready for movement. A deep emotional awakening has taken place and it’s time to dig deep and make decisions which will reverberate in your future. 

Paying attention goes against the grain for most of us, as most people are more interested in seeking instant gratification rather than looking beneath the façade and finding the subtleties in the world around us. Content as you may be to “let sleeping dogs lie”, now is the time to take notice of your own conscious thoughts and self-talk which may have kept you from moving forward. Open and allow yourself to be divinely inspired and guided to fulfill your life’s purpose. 
Meditation is a good way to bring focus and clarity to your thoughts and help determine whether or not you’re ready to more fully explore potentials and possibilities.

Got a dream which has been stowed away in the back closet of your mind? The gateway to your dreams has been activated and it is time for those hopes and desires to begin taking shape – moving from thought forms to begin working on transformative steps to create your new reality. Like the dragonfly, you possess the innate ability to soar, weightless above the clouds and higher than you ever thought possible.  



Monday, May 23, 2011

Waking Sleeping Beauty

You’ve done just about everything everyone else wanted of you. Wife, daughter, mother, sister, aunt, friend, co-worker – no matter, whatever’s been asked, you’ve followed through walking the tightrope of responsibility. 

Between expectations and legacy bequests,  careworn and restless, your needs receded into the background, until one day, the vibrant part of you considered invincible in your 20s, is a stranger – a sleeping beauty hidden away in the 21st century remake of the Matrix. Think back and remember when life was fun, with no limits, requiring little in the way of responsibility or accountability. You lived to experience. Now you live simply to fulfill what’s expected of you.

On the outside, you’re holding your own and life seems to hum along. At work each day, you take care of other people’s needs, dashing home as the clock winds down to prepare for the expected onslaught from family, friends, or other commitments. 

You wear labels proudly, at home and in the world at large, broadcasting affinities and allegiances to all, even because to be seen is the ultimate badge of honor and being seen is important. If you don’t believe me, take a few minutes tomorrow, look around and take stock of how many others you encounter wearing “the uniform”.  So now, I’ll ask you, what is it that makes you stand out? What is your “X” factor?

And while you may have invested in stocks, bonds and other retirement-worthy instruments, more likely than not, the portfolio’s been dealt a blow between the unprecedented recession and uneven pace of economic recovery. Say a prayer every day for good health and longevity, so it won’t be necessary to depend on social security and Medicaid for old age.  Are you keen to just sit back and hope you retain your health, or are you willing to be proactive and show you can stand on your own two feet?

Every morning, it’s the same routine – up early in front of the mirror preparing to face the day. Before stepping out, maybe some stretching, yoga or Pilates, to work out the kinks, but definitely armed with the latest and greatest in subtle camouflage. Remember, first impressions are important.  Freaking out when you see an unwelcome grey hair or notice a new wrinkle? Instead, welcome the wisdom and dignity of who you are – right here, right now in this moment.

Ever spend some time looking for your sleeping beauty in the mirror? The one that had all the hopes and dreams ahead of her – before she got locked away in the highest turret of the castle – out of sight and out of mind?  That’s what happens to most of us when we reach adulthood.  We put away the hopes and dreams of childhood, tucking them neatly into the aptly-named “hope” chest.  In all the years since, have you ever opened that chest to be reminded of what could be?

Yet, this tiny voice occasionally calls out, easy to ignore as the white noise of the world muffles her cries for attention.  After awhile, she retreats in silence, falling back into her prolonged slumber ‘til something stirs her awake again.  It was probably quite startling the first times she called out, but over time it became easier to ignore her voice – your voice!  So what is it that keeps nudging her from slumber? Your unrequited dreams, of course!

What happened when the prince kissed Sleeping Beauty? Well, for one, she got to live “the happily ever after”.  Do you ever wonder what your happily ever after is?  Is there a dream you locked out in the cold because of expectations? Do you have a plan in place for the 2nd half of your life? What dreams did you aspire to which you believe are now unattainable? And most importantly, why?

Well, if your fairy godmother were to wave her wand right now, what would you ask her for? How can she help you awaken Sleeping Beauty?

Start by asking her to unlock the door so you can wake up Sleeping Beauty. Let’s discover your heart’s desire so you can move toward living authentically – confident, self-assured, and aware. Recapture your youthful fearlessness and live life on your terms! If you’re ready for answers, IntuitiveGoddesse is ready, willing and able to be your personal fairy godmother http://IntuitiveGoddesse.com



Wednesday, May 18, 2011

An Open Letter to LOVE

Dear Psyche,
     When I look at you I see Love.
     When I think of you, my face glows as a smile appears, my heart feels warm and my body tingles all over.
     You’re the first thing I see in the morning and the last one I tuck in at night.
     With me through good times and bad; you’ve helped me heal from wounds which pierced psychically deep into my flesh and seared my soul.
     You’ve helped me love and appreciate every fiber of my being. My body is covered in blessings -- every mark or scar has a special meaning; those wrinkles and frown lines representing shared moments of intimacy and ecstasy, as well as wisdom learned.
     You've shared my confidences, moments of triumph, and held me close during times of despair, wiping away my tears and smoothing the hairs away from my brow.
     You’ve helped me accept who I am and where my life is and encourage me to bigger and greater future successes.
     You’ve never abandoned me and yet, I haven’t always appreciated the contributions you bring into my life.
     I’ve been remiss in writing those heartfelt missives expressing my deepest thoughts, so I’ll just tell you the easiest way I know how… I LOVE YOU.

LOVE, me

I truly LOVE appreciate how incredible life has become once I opened up and allowed for a special relationship with myself. I get great joy in passing this along and thought it was an appropriate time to send a reminder to take time to stand in front of a mirror and say “I LOVE YOU” to your psyche.  

Even though you live and breathe in your body, it’s easy to forget what an important and integral part of your being your psyche is. Life is speeding up all around, yet who you are – the most innate part of the self – is often the last part that we take stock of. Most of you lead busy lives, filled with obligations and responsibilities. Between the family, career, education, friends and whatever else shows up during the day, you’re beat. When night falls and it’s finally time to get off the merry-go-round, you’re probably tired, with very little energy to spend on yourself.  
The constant assault of deplorable news, culture issues and global upheaval barrages you with negative energy which only drains and weakens you. Even those of you who make determined effort to lessen exposure to such incidents are still involuntarily assaulted. No wonder, so many people are stressed out and having ongoing difficulties processing the paradigm shift we are going through.

Rather than letting life just happen to you, take some bold action and change how you perceive your life.  The world as we knew it is gone.  We as a people are evolving and everything around us is in constant flux. You owe it to yourself to do what you can to take care of the physical vessel you were born into and to treat it with LOVE, kindness, dignity and respect. 

So I’m asking you to take a few minutes every day and make a new pact with your psyche, to feel LOVE, fulfillment and encouragement.  Fall in LOVE again and get started on the path to living authentically. 

Great changes start with small actions. The first small action you can take is to give LOVE and be LOVE….



Monday, April 18, 2011

Living in the NOW

     Sometimes it's just about being present. Not worrying about what happened yesterday or stressing over what you can't control in the future. Sometimes, it helps to take a breath, count to ten and then be grateful and happy with what is right in front of you.
     These past few weeks, I've had computer gremlins and other odds occurrences. We've all been there -- in that place where you don't know if it's better to laugh or to cry. If you're like me, busy and driven, it's hard to suddenly run into that stop sign at full force!
     Facing that dilemma myself recently, I simply stopped, took in that precious breath and gave myself space to think. Yes, it took a bit -- more a few bits actually -- but I realized, my journey path was being temporarily re-routed.
     Spiritual road construction had necessitated my sudden and unexpected detour.
     In the past, I would have fretted and become angry over my inability to adhere to my self-imposed deadlines and limitations. Instead, these past few weeks have become somewhat of a miniature retreat for me. A time for reflection, introspection, contemplation and, of course, gratitude.
     Without these interruptions, I wouldn't have been available to notice and wonder about the robins which have taken to nesting in my backyard. Last year, we only had a nesting pair of doves. Now, I'm happy to celebrate the new life they're bringing to the neighborhood and delight in watching them prance along the sidewalks, getting their morning exercise.
     If I'd been in a funk, I couldn't have taken delight in the advancing new growth on my lime tree -- young shoots sprouting out in anticipation of fruiting.
     I would have missed the visits from my favorite totem, the red-tailed hawk, sailing along outside my window. Mesmerized, I envied the ability of my winged cousin to soar willfully and purposefully upon air current, seemingly without effort. My rainbows have been sprouting about in abundance, reminding me I am divinely guided and protected.
     I could go on and on laying out all the things I have been privileged to witness in this time of enforced solitude.
     In the old days, my fearful old self would have walked along the edge of despair, allowing the shadows to consume my light. Eventually, energetically diminished and filled with melancholy, I would have stepped out into the abyss, free falling into depression and anxiety, finding excuses to alleviate my consuming self-guilt.
     I never could have anticipated the space would be filled with new clients and new opportunities for which I am eternally grateful. Sometimes the message is to "slow down". Other times, it's simply divine intervention -- drawing your attention to something. No matter, it's important you are able to "listen" and hear when you are being guided and willingly allow your life to be interrupted.
     In this moment, I give thanks and gratitude for being made over and whole. A new person, I am living a life filled with joy and unanticipated delights. I know I will never return to those days because I have healed and shed that past.
     Living my life in the NOW is just another example that belief shifting really does work and it can work for anyone. I work with people all the time, reminding them that yesterday is past and tomorrow's not yet promised. Yes, it's hard work to change your self-talk and shift your beliefs. Small miracles go unnoticed by most everyday.
     You can't control everything, but you can control how you choose to perceive what happens. The reward for living in the NOW reminds us it's necessary at times to stop, smell the roses and experience the beauty of life which is all around you. Spirit never closes one door without preparing to open a new one!
     Change your thoughts; be open and allowing to what comes into your life!



Monday, March 28, 2011

No Limits!

Spring has officially been ushered in! It’s time to dust off the cobwebs of inactivity and procrastination. Even now, gearing up to nurture and grow your long-held dream seeds, there are those who will find ways to be limited – are you one of them?

When obstacles appear, it’s easy to allow distraction to divert attention away from what you want to accomplish. If you’re constantly settling for “it is what it is” instead of achieving your heart’s desires, maybe it’s time to take a look at your self-talk.

It takes 8 positive and affirming messages to undo the harm done by 1 unconstructive idea or thought.  Putting limits on yourself, and/or listening to the pessimistic or unflattering opines of others, inadvertently increases the obstacles to be overcome on your way to success. In other words, you end up working harder, rather than smarter, to achieve your goals.

Instead of “I can’t”, shift your vocabulary towards actionable, self-validating words. The shortest sentence in the English vocabulary, “I AM, “is also the strongest affirmation one can make, because it accents and emphasizes statements and actions.

Yes, there are going to be some things which may be beyond one’s physical capability to accomplish – notice I didn’t use the word “limitation”. That’s because there are always going to be things we strive for which will require thinking outside the box. 

For example, if I suddenly want to be a 6-ft tall model, most people would tell me it will never happen. If I allow myself to be caught up in their unenthusiastic thinking, I wouldn’t be open to creatively exploring possible options. 

However, I choose to affirm “I AM a 6-ft tall model,” therefore, at 5’7”, the first thing I’ve got to do is find a gorgeous pair of 5-inch platform heels! Next, I grab a camera and ask a friend to be my photographer. Voila!  I AM a 6-ft tall model! 

There’s always a creative solution to be found, especially when putting one’s mind to work. The intellect doesn’t know that something is or is not possible – that’s Ego stepping in and putting the brakes on. Tell Ego to lay off the brake, while you entertain some unconventional solutions to your prickliest challenges!

It’s all about perspective and being open to possibilities, rather than shutting down and falling into the negativity trap. Think about what you can do to accomplish a goal rather than focusing time and energy on obstacles. Give yourself permission to explore new ways of making things happen. Start practicing on little issues and, as you get more comfortable, move up to bigger obstacles. 

Change your thoughts; change your focus and celebrate your creativity!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dream of the Seven Sisters

I found myself walking along a quiet secluded beach. The moon shone brightly wrapped in gauzy clouds.  Water lapped the shoreline and I was alone. As I walked, I noticed something gleaming from among the billions of tiny crystal shards of sand. Stopping to check it out, I knelt down and found seven exquisitely beautiful pearls.  Perfectly round luminous beauties, they glistened in the moonlight like sparkling diamonds.

There was something energetically profound about them. Sitting down, I caressed each one in my hand. The spheres vibrated in my presence, letting me know I was free to pick them up and carry them home.

I wrapped them in a piece of gold silk cloth I found in the pocket of my skirt.  The fabric was long enough to wrap each one securely so they wouldn’t scrape against each other in my pocket. Having secured my treasures, I wistfully looked into the night sky and gave thanks for the unexpected bounty.

Back home, I carefully unwrapped each one, bathing it in a light bath of crystal-infused water to clean away any remaining sandy grit.  At that point, I wasn’t sure what to do with them so I placed them on a clean piece of silk on my altar waiting for inspiration.

For several weeks they remained unmoved, sparkling in the sunlight which dawned each morning and glistening in effervescent hues under the moon’s gaze each evening. For hours at a time, I sat and meditated, lost in time. 

Awakening from one of my trances, I realized I had finally gotten clear instructions. The pearls were to be fashioned into jewelry. Each stone was a huge reservoir of ethereal energy, but for me to claim the magick, I had to consciously wear them on my body.

The first one said its name is Courage.  It asked to be placed in a ring to remind me every day that I have the focus and clarity to move forward and accomplish my goals. It reminds me that we are all divine sparks having a physical existence. It is here to accelerate my growth and accomplishments. 

The second one named itself Truth. It was placed in a silver cage to wear in a necklace. Touching my throat the only sounds it allows are those of universal love. Opening my mouth to speak, the voice which issues forth is melodic and embellished with the sound of creation energy.

The twins are named Virtue and Compassion. Set in matching silver crescents, they nest on my earlobes. They allow me to hear beauty and remind me to pay attention and listen. Tuned into the spirit world, they amplify the small voices and communicate messages I am charged with delivering from souls that have passed over.

Wisdom was placed in a diadem to wear as a crown upon my brow. Her job is to keep my vibration high and allow me to discard unnecessary noise which clouds ordinary sight. Through Wisdom I am given the gifts of channeling and prophecy.

The final two are indeed another twin pair, Gratitude and Forgiveness. Like Wonder Woman’s bracelets they embedded themselves into a matching pair of silver cuffs. They remind me to be purposeful in my actions and to remember to give thanks for the showers of abundance which surround me.

The seven sisters came to Earth to enrich my life. Their gifts are what I share with the world.

Each one of us has gifts we are given to heal ourselves and help the world around us. Need, a little help exploring your special talents? Click here to contact me. I love working with people interested in doing the work required for personal transformation and who are willing to invest in themselves. Take the first step on your empowerment journey!



Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dreams and Other Visions

I was preparing to gently drift off to sleep. Suddenly, I find myself in the middle of a meadow that stretches seemingly forever. 

There's calm and beauty all around me and no one else as far as I can see. The huge, golden sun orb pleasantly warms my face.  The grasses around me dance a choreographed ballet in the gentle breeze. I am surrounded by cascades and articulations of rare and exquisite flowers, their aphrodisiac scents elevating my mood. In the distance, I can hear a waterfall, though I am unable to see it.

Unable to move from this spot, it crosses my mind I have actually stepped into Summerland - the place where souls go when they transition from one phase of being to the next. As most people never glimpse Summerland until they transition, I find myself excited by this spontaneous visitation and welcome the opportunity to interact consciously in the place outside of time.

Turning to look behind me, I notice what appears to be a purple pathway appearing out of nowhere. I recognize it as a flowing, unfurling ribbon of semi-translucent purple silk. As it reaches me, the sumptuous fabric wraps itself loosely around me and continues on its way over the horizon until I can no longer see the ribbon's end.  

The fabric dances against my skin, releasing luminous iridescent sparkles overhead - like pixie dust.  Dancing higher and higher, the sparkles magically transform into beautiful flights of colorful butterflies, their wing scales reflecting radiantly against the sunlit backdrop. Soon the sky fills with the soft, lilting flutter of butterfly wings spiraling above me like a funnel to the heavens.

As the billowing silk continues flowing through the air ahead of me, I keep hearing, "... just follow the thread". The voice is light and airy, drifting through my consciousness carried on the wind. If I hadn't been paying attention, I would have missed the message, which keeps repeating, so I close my eyes to take it all in. Upon opening them again, I realize I am no longer alone. 

Her name is Sabella. In spirit form, the only part I am able to discern comes from her penetrating and luminous green eyes - like large fire lit emeralds. In my head, I hear her voice, "You are where you think you are, in the place between worlds. 

"Follow the thread; you are clearly on your path. The inspiration you bring will take flight and transform many."

Without another word, she reaches deep inside my body and places her hand directly on my heart. I experience a powerful surge of healing energy and a massive infusion of unconditional love. I fall asleep with warmth radiating throughout my body. 

I sleep peacefully and awaken spiritually content, my heart filled with joy, ecstasy and excitement for the journey ahead.

I accept this confirmation of my work and these transformative gifts with grace and elegance, realizing as one person, I can effect change elsewhere.

If you want to know more, click here to contact me. I love working with people interested in doing the work required for personal transformation and who are willing to invest in themselves. If you're looking to make changes which will result in living a full, confident and empowering life, IntuitiveGoddesse wants to work with you!



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Open the Door & Unlock Your Potential

You’ve got a key in your hand and it can open one of several doors. Are you willing to step up and go for it? Knowing there’s a prize waiting for you, why are you still hesitating?

Unfortunately, too many opportunities are lost in the hunt for instant gratification.  Just like the lottery, most of us are waiting around for a grand prize (usually a big pot of money) to literally fall from the sky.  Intuition isn’t like that, although it can help make your wildest dreams come true – if you learn how to listen, trust and use the information you receive.  

All you need to do is turn the key. Intuition is the greatest prize you could ask for and it’s just waiting for you to step up and open the door. Let go of any fear you’re holding and confidently stride over and put the key in the lock.

Once you open the door again, you’ll be glad you did. It’ll feel like you’re welcoming a long-lost friend. It’s just been patiently waiting, on the other side of the doorway for you to rediscover the magick. It’s part of your Divine human intelligence – an internal guidance system to help guide you along the journey path of the physical realm. This instinctive ability is unlimited and once acknowledged, it’s going to be there whether you choose to use it or not.

There’s a Universal Law that says you must get in touch with the source of your own intuition before you can start acquiring the wisdom necessary to move forward without benefit of others’ opinions. 

It’s not something you’ve got to go out and purchase. All you’ve got to do is dust it off – kind of like going out to the garage and finding the bike you stored away.

As an example, suppose you went out and purchased a fancy bike. At first you were excited by it, took it for a spin a few times and then, for whatever reason, put it away in the garage never to give it another thought.  That’s probably a good representation of what happened to your intuition as well.  Somewhere along the way, you started doubting yourself and made a conscious decision rely on the input of others.

Well, it’s time to blow the dust off, get back in the saddle again and reclaim your place as master/mistress of your own destiny!

Think about it, are you willing to live the rest of your life in the shadows based on what other people have to say about your best interests?  Think about how many missed opportunities and chances for success you’re giving away!

How would you feel if you could move forward, confidently and empowered, using your own judgment and instinct? I daresay, you’ll be in position to achieve a lot more goals and have more life satisfaction overall. That’s the gift of intuition.

Let me say it again – when you learn to use your intuition, you start validating and empowering yourself; no longer requiring approval and validation from others. YOU become self-empowered and confident – it doesn’t matter what others think because you KNOW what’s possible and you’ve got the tools to make the probable happen!

If you want to know more, click here to contact me. I love working with people interested in deepening their spiritual connections. IntuitiveGoddesse offers personal mentoring to facilitate these connections, allowing you to live a full, confident and empowering life.


Remember, always ask for "This or Better"...


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Visualize This...

If you’re a free thinker who likes to use your imagination, today’s post was written with you in mind! 

People who meditate regularly are more easily able enter the alpha brainwave state, where your mind is open and receptive to infinite, unrealized potential. Think about it – when you go to bed every night, just before you fall off to sleep, your brain goes through the alpha state and you become relaxed and dreamy. It’s also good for reducing blood pressure and maintaining a healthy immune system.

Visualization, which is the subject of this post, is an easy way to communicate with your higher, subconscious self and/or your spirit guides. If you’re serious about starting or maintaining a good spiritual practice, set aside time – it’s well worth it! If you’re like me, with a busy career, or lots of business and family commitments, meditation is a great way to unwind and let go of the tension that builds up in your body during the day.

Starting out, there are a few things you should know about preparing for meditation. Following these guidelines will help you to have satisfying and enriching experiences:
  • Find a place where you won’t be disturbed for at least 20 minutes. Put a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door knob and close the door;
  • Turn off any appliances – excess lights, phones, radios or stereo – they can disrupt the energy flow in the area where you’re working;
  • Dim the lights – eliminating unnecessary lighting will help you shut out external influences and calm your mind;
  • Wear comfortable clothing – constricting items will interfere with your ability to relax.
  • Don’t have any expectations about the outcome. There is no right or wrong when it comes to meditation – every experience is individual.
  •  Let things happen. Inner peace becomes possible when we release control and allow the universe to present us with opportunities.
  •  Read all the steps before you get started so you’ll know what to do.  Have paper and pen available as part of this exercise.  Before you begin, take a minute to clear your thoughts and set the intention to be open for a wonderful experience.
Now that it’s time to get started on your visioning meditation. You don’t need to focus on anything other than the task at hand. If you’ve never meditated before there is nothing to be concerned about. If you’ve been away from meditation for awhile, this will be like rediscovering an old friend. 

Meditation is a journey of self-discovery. Don’t worry about taking notes. Visioning is an internal, organic process which allows you to hear, feel and see what your eyes would otherwise dismiss. Your imagination provides you with tools to imagine the impossible.

A lot of people are interested in contacting their spirit guides or angels and are unsure as to how to go about it. This exercise is designed to let your imagination step in and help the process along.
Think back to when you were young – maybe you had an imaginary friend, saw ghosts or had premonitions. At the time, your gifts probably weren’t encouraged and you suppressed them. Now, years later you’re at a point in your life when you want to rediscover those long-hidden talents and how to reconnect with the universal mind.

This exercise is going to help you loosen those barriers and allow your imagination to re-train your mind. When we use visions, or creative visualization, we’re allowing our imagination to provide symbols for important messages in our lives.

Now, let’s take a few deep breaths, and inhale all the way down to your belly. Let go of any tension or stress, so you can become relaxed and centered. Exhale and force the bad air out with a "whoosh" sound. Do this several times to center yourself.

Step 1: The Pursuit of Color. Sitting calmly, let your mind find a color – the first one that comes to mind. Don’t worry about what color it is or whether it’s your favorite color. See the color as vibrantly as you can. Note the shade and/or intensity of the color and write it down. If you can’t “see” the color, what color do you “feel” or “think”. No matter how it comes, let it come into your consciousness and come alive.

Spend the next several minutes jotting down whatever information you get about your color. Here are some ideas to get you started: 
  • Is it light or dark? 
  • What emotion did you feel with the color? 
  • Does the color have a scent or a smell?
Step Two: Hard Target.  Now that you have your color in mind, picture the color becoming an object. Remember, the goal is to collect the first thing that pops into your mind:
  • What is your object?
  • Is it something you already know or is it new to you?
  •  Describe the object in as much detail as possible and keep the visualization clearly in your mind for the next step.
Step Three: Look Around. At this point, step back from the object you are visualizing and add context to the scene. Look at it as if you’ve just taken a picture and you’re now viewing it in a picture frame:
  • What is going on in the picture?
  • What is the relationship of your object to the picture you’ve created?
  • What emotions do you experience when you view your picture?
Step Four: Put Yourself in the Picture. Step into the picture you’ve created and take in everything that's going on. Check out your surroundings. Soak up all the information you can:
  • Where are you?
  • Is this somewhere familiar or entirely new to you?
  • What’s going on in this scene?
  • Who else is there with you? (This could be a person, animal, a shape or maybe just a presence.)
Step Five: What’s Happening? Ask your guest(s) why they came. Pay attention to any thoughts, impressions or other clues which pop into your mind. Listen for your message(s) and feel free to ask questions if you need more information or clarification.
  • Do they have a name?
  • What are you talking about?
  • Are you given any special message(s)?
When you’ve gathered all the information you’re able, it’s time to thank your guest(s) and say your goodbyes.  It is important to be thankful for the guidance of divine wisdom and appreciate the gifts you have been offered. Soak up the scene and take in as much information as you can so you can write it down in your notes. When you’re ready, close your eyes for a few minutes and savor what you have just experience. 

When you decide you are ready, go ahead and open your eyes and finish journaling about your meditation experience. Remember, these are your notes.  There is no right and there is no wrong. Each meditation is a personal, intimate one and they cannot be compared. The messages you received are for you.

I would love to hear about your experience and get some feedback, so feel free to send me an email (IntuitiveGoddesse@gmail.com).

Remember; be open to experiencing joy and peace in your life,
