Friday, January 28, 2011

Journey to Forgiveness

At some time or another, we all have to let go of the ties that bind us to the past. There are cuts and scrapes, indignities and all kind of physical and emotional wounds that we cause one another. All the hurts, resentments, anger, open wounds which never seem to heal have to be let go.
We’re all guilty at one time or another of inflicting pain on other, but this isn’t about judgment or blame. It’s about conscious reality and knowing this is a low vibration energy which doesn’t serve a higher purpose. In order to let them go – permanently, means you have to be willing to forgive. Those emotional echoes have been eating you up from the inside for a long time and no good can come from them.
I want to introduce you to a practice which will allow you to peacefully and purposefully release those hurts. It’s time to say your goodbyes and let them recede into the energy vortex of the universal consciousness so the “thought forms” can be cleansed and repurposed. So what is forgiveness?
·         It’s a process of conscious release so we can rid ourselves of the emotions from events and situations which no longer serve us.
·         Allowing you to have healthy emotional detachment from formerly painful triggers.
·         Changing your attitude and finding inner peace and strength.
·         More importantly, forgiveness is a healing for YOU!
Forgiveness is not:
·         About playing the victim card.
·         Pretending or ignoring the circumstances which brought you to the emotional abyss. Rather, you retain the knowledge and wisdom of lessons learned while releasing the ghosts.
·         Harboring resentment.
We all have something we need to let go of – judgments, slights of others, unkind words. No matter, the first person we need to forgive is ourselves. Why? In spite of our best efforts, we self-inflict a lot of pain and emotional abuse upon ourselves due to our failure to attain our hoped-for dreams and aspirations. Get rid of the guilt and let it go. It’s not too late to live the life you truly want. Each morning, you are given another 1440 minutes (24 hours x 60 minutes) to accomplish miracles. In a week, you are presented with another 10,080 opportunities to make things happen!
This is a time for you to self-reflect on all the angst and anxiety you’ve been holding in your body and gently release it. Sit quietly with your feet firmly on the floor and slowly relax your body. Starting from the top of your head, ask each part of your body to release any judgments, anger, hostility, etc. it is holding. Feel the shift in your physical body as this energy begins to slide down and melt away beneath your feet. Once you have released, start filling your body up with the emotion of love. Give yourself a hug. Visualize a mental image of you hugging yourself. Give yourself some positive messages:
·         I LOVE MYSELF.
Sit for as long as necessary and cry whatever tears you need to. This is important. Relish the feeling of tranquility and emotional release. When you are finished, take some time to be good to yourself. Maybe it’s a bubble bath, or a nice glass of wine. If you’re into chocolate like I am, get something good and decadent. Take care of yourself and keep piling on the hugs.
After a day or two, you’ll be ready to take the next step. Set out some quiet time when you can write out a list of all the people and situations in your life to whom you would like to apologize. Your list may be quite lengthy – if you’re being honest your list is probably several pages long!
Once you’ve made your list go through and jot a quick note about the situation – no more than two or three words are necessary. This isn’t about getting stuck in the emotions – it’s about acknowledgment and release. When you’ve completed this task, settle yourself and come back to a calm and neutral state. You don’t have to do your entire list at one time – break it down into bite-size pieces over several days so you don’t get overwhelmed.
Closing your eyes, take a few deep breaths and visualize yourself in a blue room with walls stretching as far as you can see. There is no ceiling and there is no floor, but this is sacred, protected space. You are alone, but as you get comfortable, ask for each person in turn to come and visit you.
With your mind, speak to their higher self and explain why you have asked them to join you. If you are having trouble speaking, ask your spirit guides to help you communicate. Acknowledge what you have done to contribute to the unpleasantness of the situation and then politely ask for their forgiveness.
When you are finished, take some more calming deep breaths and open your eyes. You should experience calmness and probably more healing tears.
Nothing in life that is worthwhile is easy. As a result of this exercise, I no longer carry around unnecessary baggage.  It takes courage and compassion to step into the waters of forgiveness, but if you are ready, it’s definitely a journey worth taking.
New affirmation: I FORGIVE.
P.S. If you’d like to learn more or need some help letting go, click here.
Always expect the best outcome! Love and light,


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