Monday, February 7, 2011

Learning a New Vocabulary

Since part of making changes in your life involves learning a new vocabulary, I thought I’d come up with a new set of ABCs. These should help you align your thoughts with your goals and help you get ready to greet and live a new reality.

A          Be AUTHENTIC in everything you do.
B          Remember to BE always in the present moment – that’s where you do your best work.
C          Act CONCIOUSLY.
D          You are a DIVINE being having a human experience.
E          In order to achieve success, you have to put forth EFFORT.
F          FORGIVENESS is an important part of your healing.
G          Say thanks and give GRACE for all the blessings in your life.
H          It is important to exist in HARMONY.
I           The innocence and INSPIRATION of a child is important to dreaming.
J          Choose non-JUDGEMENT.
K          Share your KNOWLEDGE.
L          LOVE yourself and everyone around you.
M         You have the potential to MANIFEST your dreams into being.
N          If you don’t NURTURE yourself, no one else will.
O          We are all ONE.
P          Everyone and everything you encounter contributes to your PROSPERITY.
Q          No matter the circumstances, you should always live a QUALITY life.
R          RANDOM acts of kindness are important.
S          Align you SPIRITUAL goals with your physical goals.
T          Find your TRIBE of like-minded, supportive individuals.
U          Meditate and connect to UNIVERSAL consciousness.
V          Use your mind’s-eye to VISUALIZE your dreams.
W         WISDOM is all around you.
X          Remain eXTRAORDINARY in everything you do.
Y          It’s what YOU do that contributes to your success.
Z          ZEN is a way of bringing mind and body together in focused pursuit of your goals.
Contact IntuitiveGoddesse (click here) if you’d like more information on how to change your vocabulary and change your life outcomes.
Always expect the best outcome! Love and light,


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